
Keller Beach House

Keller Beach House

We know this won’t come as a shock when we share that we are moving, again.  And we’re ready for the 2,593 questions we’re about…

Teen Bedroom | Ally’s room

Teen Bedroom | Ally’s room

  This month my favorite girl turns 13.  It’s hard to believe how quick time goes.  Every year that passes, she continues to impress me…

Teen Bedroom | Ally’s room

Teen Bedroom | Ally’s room

  This month my favorite girl turns 13.  It’s hard to believe how quick time goes.  Every year that passes, she continues to impress me…

Home Tour: Dining Room

Home Tour: Dining Room

    The home tour continues, today in the Dining Room!  It’s been awhile since we had a formal dining room.   The first home Dan…

Oops, We’re Moving Again

Oops, We’re Moving Again

No, you’re not reading that blog title wrong.  We really are moving, again. We sold our farmhouse this past summer and made a move down…