Keller Beach House

We know this won’t come as a shock when we share that we are moving, again.  And we’re ready for the 2,593 questions we’re about to be bombarded with, starting with:

“You’re moving again?  Didn’t you JUST move?!”

Let’s backtrack.  Dan and I sold our farmhouse in Lake Stevens in 2017 and made a big move to Woodway.  It was by far one of the best decisions we have ever made.  We fell in love with the community, the water and the location.  The home we bought needed massive renovations which we were planning to do, but 9 months after we were in the home we were approached with an offer to sell that we couldn’t resist.  Because we loved the area so much, we literally moved two doors down into our current home.

Our current home is gorgeous.  I never dreamed I’d live in a home like this.  It’s a private estate tucked behind mature laurel hedges, covered in gorgeous landscaping and enough square footage to have a few more kids, not to mention it has a  whole extra house for guests!  We spent the last year updating light fixtures, flooring, paint, wallpaper and gave the kitchen a complete face lift.   It’s absolutely stunning!

While I am grateful every single day I pull into the driveway, I knew when we bought this property it wasn’t our forever home.  We said we’d stay here while the kids finished school and then move one community south to Richmond Beach, should the right home come available.  If you follow along on my Instagram you’re surely familiar with our weeknight walks down to the beach and our obsession with the water.  There is just something so magical about the living near the water!

Well, we found the perfect little beach house a little sooner than we had anticipated.  It’s adorable, quaint and RIGHT ON THE WATER.  Our backyard will literally be the Puget Sound.


We are doing a few little updates before we move in (follow along on IG Stories) but I’ll share a photo of one of my favorite rooms in the house,  our master bedroom.  LOOK AT THAT VIEW!


We can’t wait to get moved but we have to do some pretty substantial downsizing from our current home so you know what that means… a Jenny Cookies Pop Up Shop is in the works…

Can’t wait to show you more!


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  1. Samantha Z says:

    How exciting! Congratulations on the move! I have loved all of your homes and cannot wait to see what you do with this one. And naturally, I look forward to many beachfront party ideas!

  2. Wow what a stunning view!! I do love the current house you are in, I wish I had the money to buy it! We too are in Richmond beach… but up the hill closer to QFC. Love this area so much!! Welcome to the neighborhood.

  3. Nancy Henry says:

    Congratulations!!! It looks like a slice of heaven! I love the water!!