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You’ve Been Booed

Hey, Boo!  This month’s fun doesn’t need to be cut short because of Covid.  Let’s create our own happiness and spread a little joy around the block!  

Inspired by last year’s Halloween treat menu at Jenny Cookies Bake Shop, we’ve created these adorable “you’ve been booed” printables!  

What does it mean to Boo someone?  

It’s easy!  Gather up some fall treats for someone in your neighborhood, office, dorm or building.  You can put a lot of thought into it or not overthink it.  It can be a basket, bag, box, whatever you want!  Fill it with treats.  Include a few copies of this free printable below.  

You’ll also want to include a few copies of the we’ve been booed sign for the recipient to hang in their window and gift to whoever they “boo”.  

As for the actual surprise, go as big or simple as you want!  I tend to go over the top on things like this because I love seeing little surprises bring joy to people.  You can be as thoughtful or as basic as you want, no matter what you do, it’s a very thoughtful and generous gesture!  

The actual “booeing” is important.  Be sure to sneak up to the door and ring or knock without them seeing you.  Think Ding, Dong, Ditch.  With so many homes having the Ring camera, you may need to wear a mask or hoodie!  I’m sure the kids wouldn’t mind putting their costumes on for the occasion.  

If putting a whole basket of treats isn’t for you or you don’t have an opportunity to start a You’ve Been Booed club in your area, we also made these darling tags for you to use to gift little treats this month.  I personally think they’re adorable with our Halloween cookies at Jenny Cookies Bake Shop but any treat is thoughtful and delicious!!

If you can’t make it to the shop, I do share my signature recipe and decorating ideas, tips and tricks in my books Cookie Class and Eat More Dessert!  I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!

Save, download and print the links below and get your Boo on!  





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One Comment

  1. Elizabeth B. says:

    Oh my goodness, we would do this in my neighborhood growing up! It’s been fun bringing this tradition into our own little neighborhood now. I LOVE this updated version and I can’t wait to use it next month!