Cookie Camp Week 6: Citizenship

I can’t believe it’s week 6 at Cookie Camp!  Six weeks flew by!  During our last week of Cookie Camp we are focusing on Citizenship.  Being a good citizen in your community, school, and country is important because it makes our school, community, country and world a better place. It improves the environment and provides a sense of community, pride and responsibility for the place you reside.  

How do you become a good citizen?  Below you’ll find a list of attributes and examples of how to be a great citizen.

  • Be Honest – tell the truth.
  • Have Integrity – be morally upright.  Many times this is what you do when no one is looking. 
  • Be Responsible – be accountable for yourself and your actions.
  • Be Respectful – treat others how you want to be treated.
  • Have Compassion – show fellowship with those who are down on their luck by volunteering and/or making donations to charities.
  • Be Kind – be friendly.  Think before you speak.  Spread kindness that you have received. 
  • Be Tolerant – be tolerant of other races and religions.
  • Be Courtesy – be considerate of others.  Open doors for others, let others go ahead of you in line.  
  • Have Self-Discipline – have self-control and the ability to follow through on what you say you’re going to do.
  • Be Fair – take turns, don’t blame others for your mistakes, think about how your actions will affect others. 

Imagine what your country would be like if all its citizens strived to achieve these personal qualities. Start by adopting them yourself.  We can all practice being better citizens, no matter how old or young we are!  

Our free printable this week is a Cookie game board with several examples of being a good citizen.  Print it out and see how many you can fill in!  There are a few blank spaces to come up with your own “good citizen” activities as well.  Can’t wait to see what you do this week.  If you’re local, be sure to pop into Jenny Cookies Bake Shop this weekend to earn your Cookie Camp Community cookie badge and if you black out your whole game board, you’ll also earn the cookie pins!  

Get the printable here: CookieCampBingoCard

If you haven’t picked up your Cookie Camp Merch, it’s all on sale this week!  Here is a link to get what’s left.  Last chance to pick up in store, or we ship nationwide!  

See you this Saturday, Cookie Campers! 

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