Cookie Camp Week 4: Connection

Welcome to Week 4 at Cookie Camp!  This week our focus is CONNECTION.

What is connection and why is it important?  Connection is an energy exchange between people who are paying attention to one another.  Connection brings value to our lives by creating relationships that give us (and our kids) a sense of belonging, stability, identity and the feeling of a support system.  Connecting with others helps build self-esteem and helps us regulate our emotions. It lowers anxiety and depression, actually improving our immune system.  

What does a real connection with someone look like?  It means being open with them, showing affection (and receiving it in return),  knowing you can count on someone and knowing they will show up for you.   We should strive to have meaningful connections in our marriage, friendships and with our kids.  

We’re in a time where developing these connections with others can be difficult.  We’re told to stay home, stay 6 ft apart and we’re losing some of those connections or opportunities to make them.  I believe there is so much importance in kids building relationships and making friends.  Connection is the one of the most important experiences we can provide our children.  

Connection is what every single one of us long for. Think about some of your fondest memories.  I bet it’s something that has to do with connection.  Your dad took you fishing, just the two of you.  Your grandma taught you to bake cookies in her kitchen.  Maybe it’s a summer memory of a camping trip with your family around the campfire or gathered around a picnic table playing cards.  Your mom picked you up early from school and took you to a special lunch.  These are all examples of human connection.

Your activity this week is to create a connection.  With a friend, with a family member, with a neighbor, you pick.  How do you connect? By asking questions.  By listening.  By showing interest in the person and their answers.  By asking more follow-up questions.  

I’ve created a 20 questions download you can save and print below to “interview” someone.  You can choose this activity or come up with something on your own!  You Cookie Campers are creative and I’m certain you’ll think of lots of ways to make connections this week.  Perhaps you set up a zoom call with a friend.  Maybe you plan a game night with your family or a special meal the family will enjoy together.  Perhaps you send a friend a box of our Classic Cookies from Jenny Cookies Bake Shop and set up a virtual cookie tasting!  (Shameless plug!)  You guys get creative, I can’t wait to see what you do this week!  I know it’ll be something you’ll remember forever.


Click link here to download and print your Cookie Camp Interview:


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