
Home Tour: Family Room


The home tour continues!  Here is a look at the room that gets the most use, the family room off of the kitchen.  It’s a small space but we are a small family, so the size is just right for us.

Home Tour: The Family Room | decorating the family room | family room decor || JennyCookies.com #hometour #familyroom #homedecor #jennycookies


I had to get creative when it comes to filling the built-ins in this room.  I don’t like things to look cluttered, especially because in this house there is literally a built-in shelving unit in practically every room!  In this particular unit, the openings are tall and narrow, so I kept it really simple with neutral colors; old books, a few plants and pumpkins because I like them everywhere in the fall!


Home Tour: The Family Room | decorating the family room | family room decor || JennyCookies.com #hometour #familyroom #homedecor #jennycookies



I have sort of become a plant lady this year.  I started with a snake plant (see it in the top right of the photo above) and fell in love with the life it brought to the room.  I began finding myself at the plant store every now and then, picking up a new friend to add around the house.  Now I have a designated water-the-plants-day during the week to make sure I keep them all alive!


When we moved from the farmhouse and knew we’d be remodeling, we got rid of a lot of our furniture knowing we’d have a new style of home and what we had previously probably wouldn’t work in the new place.  Fast forward two homes (and several months of waiting for furniture deliveries) and we finally feel like the house is coming together.


This room has a sort of odd pony wall so I had to find a sofa that was low enough not to exceed the height of the wall.  I fell in love with this sofa from Pottery Barn .  It was just the right length and had the timeless tufting design that I love.  A little upholstered trunk set next to it adds a little character to the room.

To compliment the sofa, I chose a leather chair in a caramel color and opted for nailhead trim.  For so long we’ve been seeing grey, grey, grey and cool colors but I think warmer colors are coming back and brown is going to be one of them!

The rug is also a warm color though it does come in a grey option for those of you who still love the cool colors.  Don’t get me wrong, I do like grey, just wanted to change it up a little! This rug has just enough pattern that if the kids accidentally spill it will be easy to disguise.


Lastly, the coffee table.  I looked high and low for a table that would fit the space and mesh well with the kitchen that was so close by.  I found this table with reclaimed wood trays (that are removable!) and it measured to be the perfect size for the room.

In terms of the rest of the decor, it’s coming.  I need to get brave and actually grab a hammer and put some holes in the wall.  I always get messages on my Instagram account when I share stories or photos that show our house.  People will comment and DM me saying, “why are your walls bare?!”  Guys, I’m working on it!  We’ve only been here for about 7 months and decorating takes time.


For now, I really like this room.  It’s small and simple.  Off of this room you might have seen two pocket doors which lead to offices.  One is mine, and happens to be the biggest mess in my whole house.  Doesn’t everyone have one of those?  If it’s not a room, it’s a counter, closet or area that becomes the catch all for things that don’t have a home.  We thought the second office would make a great study room for the kids but has morphed into Ally’s slime factory.  I’ll have to share that one of these days!


Thanks for visiting my site and stay tuned for the next rooms, coming soon!

If you missed the kitchen, you can find it HERE.

P.S. Goldie spends most of her time in this room.

Pin this idea for later!

Home Tour: The Family Room | decorating the family room | family room decor || JennyCookies.com #hometour #familyroom #homedecor #jennycookies

Photos by Kelly Clare

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