EAT MORE DESSERT Online Book Tour!

I’m super excited to announce that the online book tour for my new book EAT MORE DESSERT is starting today! Fun giveaways, reviews & interviews are going to be up on some of my favorite blogs and websites through the month of April!

The tour starts off today with the fabulous blog, Pizzazzerie!

Monday we’ll be hopping on over to visit the wonderful site, Hank and Hunt!

Tuesday, the lovely ladies at Anders Ruff have something in store for us!

And Friday we’ll be having fun at Not Just a Mommy!

Be sure and check out each stop/blog along the way to see what we have in store for you! I’ll keep you updated on what’s going on all week on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter too! Can’t wait!

EAT MORE DESSERT will be hitting shelves before we know it…. April 8th. You can pre-order the book on Amazon HERE.

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