So long October.

It’s been a busy month. Lots of cookie orders, photo shoots, birthday parties and cookie classes. Something tells me Christmas is right around the corner.

Here are some photos from the last jenny cookies class.

I had my first male student.
Check out his cookies, he did pretty well!

This is the woman who dragged him along. Well maybe not dragged, she said he did enjoy baking. And hello, he was surrounded by 19 women. Couldn’t have been that bad!

Class photo! Everyone with their jenny cookies. (Sorry to those of you who left before the picture.)

Meet Anne. We went to WWU together, haven’t seen her since. How fun to catch up after all these years!

Anne brought her mom. They came all the way from Tacoma. Thanks for coming girls!
Had a great time as usual! Holiday class coming up Nov 13th. Get your tickets at
See you there!
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One Comment

  1. Elizabeth says:

    You should come out to San Diego!! I can probably get a good sized class 🙂