Bakerella comes to Bellevue!

Every Sunday morning I wake up for coffee, then hurry to get ready hoping I will have five extra minutes before church to look at the Target ad. Wierd? Probably. My Sunday night thing requires the internet. Eagerly I type in then hold my breath as I wait for her new Sunday post to appear. Ok maybe it’s not quite this dramatic..

If you don’t know who Bakerella is, let me introduce you. She’s this cute little baker girl from Arkansas who randomly picked up a cookie cutter set in Williams Sonoma, thought the flower cutter would make a nice shape for the bottom of a cupcakes, and voila Cupcake Pops were invented. The story is a bit more detailed, you’ll have to pick up Cake Pops to read more.

She’s amazing. People with this kind of creativity totally intrigue me. The way she can take a ball of cake, dip it in chocolate, add some heart sprinkles, eyes and a stick and poof it’s a chicken…just leaves me in awe. I Love her. Over the past two years, Bakerella has joined the ranks of my Martha Stewart and Amy Atlas list of women who totally inspire me with their mind blowing creativity. What would a party or holiday be without them?

A few months ago her Sunday night post gave her book tour dates. Bellevue, WA was one of them. Hip Hip Hooray! Guess who’s staying home from work to watch Hudson???That didn’t end up working out….but Hudson was a really good boy. After he dumped out all the contents of my purse, smeared lip gloss all over his face, squirted out my purse size perfume and dumped his organic chocolate milk all over his stroller….we met Bakerella.

She’s even cuter in person, complete with a pink sharpie to sign everyone’s books.She came out to the crowd, greeted everyone and then did a little Q & A session. As she was answering, she glanced over to me and said “HI!” Going along with it, I said hi back. Out of the 80 people all crowding into the little Williams Sonoma store, I thought she must have had me confused with someone else. Nope. She proceeded to say “She makes cake pops! She did a whole elmo party that was amazing!”. Wait, what? Bakerella saw my blog and remembered me? She recognized me from the pouring down rain birthday party…yikes, I sure hoped I didn’t look as drenched and frizzy this time…

When it was our turn to have our book signed, Ally pranced up and asked Bakerella if she’d make a flamingo cake pop…of course.

Thanks for coming to Washington, Bakerella! We’ll be checking every Sunday night for that flamingo!




Check out bakerella’s site, you might see a familiar looking little cupcake!

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