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How to make a Letter Cookie Cake


Giant cookie cakes are all the rage in the baking world. I first saw this style of cookie cake from Israeli baker, Adi Klinghofer.    Her letter and number cakes are typically covered in fresh flowers, fruit, macarons and meringues.  I fell in love with her letter cakes and gave them my own spin using my signature cookie recipe and creating unique themes from a variety of toppings.


The best part about my sugar cookie recipe is how versatile it is.  It’s a simple no-fail recipe that can be used for SO many purposes!  I was thrilled to discover it works just fine for a giant cookie, with a simple tweak in the baking time.  Get recipe HERE! 


The dough is easy to make and pliable to work with.  You’ll want to roll it out about 1/4 inch thick on a floured surface.


To get a desired number or letter, use a paper stencil and carefully cut through the dough using a sharp paring knife.


Once you have the letter cut out completely, carefully transfer it to a baking sheet.  Gather dough scraps and roll out again to cut second letter/number.


If you’re using a small letter or number, you may be able to squeeze two shapes onto one rolled out disc of dough.


Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes.


Once cookies are baked, allow to cool completely before decorating.


With a buttercream filled piping bag fitted with a large round pastry tip, begin piping large dollops of icing onto first cookie layer.  Gently place second cookie on the top of the icing dollops and repeat.


Once you’ve covered the top of your cookie with icing, you can top your cake with your favorite toppings!


I’ve made several cookie cakes shown below using a variety of themes and ideas.  It was fun to come up with fresh ideas that hadn’t been done before and stretch my creativity a bit.


For my monochromatic look, I used all things yellow to create this huge W.

Monochromatic Cookie Cake


I created a gummy cookie cake with blue buttercream topped with swedish fish, gummy worms, and lots of colorful candies.


Gummy Cookie Cake

How to make a Letter Cookie Cake | fun cookie cake ideas | cookie cake recipes | unique dessert recipes | diy cookie cake || Jenny Cookies #cookiecake #lettercake #diycookiecake


For a Cookie Monster Cookie Cake, I used a #1 stencil and topped it with cookie favorites: oreos, nutter butters, circus animals, nilla wafers, teddy grahams and filled the entire cake with chocolate chip cookie dough icing.





Cookie Monster Cookie Cake

My rainbow cookie cake was made up of all kinds of different candies but in rainbow colors.  Skittles, gumdrops, Mike & Ikes, M&M’s, sixlets, you name it, I topped it!



I decorated this “A” shaped cookie cake with pink buttercream icing and topped it with all sorts of whimsical toppers from lollipop sticks, rice krispy treats, gumballs, miniature cookies and more!


Whimsical Cookie Cake



The last number cake I made with a chocolate lover in mind.  This #5 is covered and filled with chocolate icing and topped with as many chocolate candies as I could stuff on top!


Chocolate Lovers Cookie Cake

The best part about these cakes is, if you don’t want to make them yourself, Jenny Cookies Bake Shop can do it for you!  Each cookie cake is hyperlinked to our bake shop site for easy ordering.

Which cake is your favorite?

Get my No Fail Buttercream Icing and Sugar Cookie Recipe HERE! 

Photos by Kelly Clare Photography


Pin this idea for later!


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  1. I’ve been wondering about these cookie cakes. Can you cut them easily?

  2. Donna Yudman says:

    Love the numbers cakes. How do you know what size numbers you need to feed 20 people?

  3. How well does this cut? Does it smoosh or will a knife slice through it? Thanks!

  4. Emily Wilson says:

    I’m making one of these tomorrow. I’m concerned that the top layer will be too heavy for the icing to support and it might collapse ? Is this a concern or am I over thinking? I was going to put marshmallows in between the layers for structure?

  5. Hi there – love this post! I want to make a chocolate cookie cake for my boyfriend for his birthday. He loves peanut butter, so wanted to do a peanut butter cream cheese buttercream icing in center. What is your recommendation for best cookie recipe you have for chocolate cookie (or modifications that should be made to one above to make it chocolate i.e. how much cocoa powder) and do you have a peanut butter icing recipe you recommend? Similar to another commenter, I’m very nervous about it icing not being sturdy enough. Does it help if you chill icing? Thank you!!!

  6. Monica Aasegg says:

    Also.. we dont have crisco in Norway, so what can I replace this with?

  7. Hi there, I’m wondering how many days in advance you would be able to make this cookie cake? Thanks!

  8. Dannielle Clare says:

    Can this be made in advance, and if so, how many days (and how would you recommend storing it)?

  9. Is the icing enough? I’m always running out making cakes, and I don’t want to run to the store for more butter or powdered sugar.

  10. Hi I’m wanting to make one of th se but in chocolate. Is thee any chance u could email me the recipe for a chocolate cookie and buttercream please

  11. How far in advance can you decorate this and how is it best to store before serving?

  12. Literally the only recipe i found online that has decoration ideas for boys as well as girls, cant wait to make this – well done!

  13. Hi Jenny,

    I’m from Australia, is there an alternative to the Crisco that you know will work just as well?

  14. do i need to keep in the fridge? Will the icing melt if i make in summer? TQ

  15. Love these! Do you know if these would be good for a outdoor bbq? Would it melt?

  16. Hi! How far in advance would you bake these cookies? And can it be stored in the fridge after decorating without getting soggy? Thanks!

  17. A'ishah Tiana says:

    Brilliant! My husband’s birthday is this coming weekend and this was the easiest and most exciting layout where recipes are concerned. Less fuss and every day ingredients. I look forward to making him a 30!!!

  18. Sien Uytterhoeven says:

    Such beautiful cokkie cakes!!
    Where can i find the recipe of the dough U use?

  19. Can you please share the cookie recipe I cannot see it any where. Thank you

  20. Georgia Moir says:

    Hiya, I have used this recipe before and love it although the recipe is no longer on this post? Where could I find it I would like to use it today please help!!!

  21. Melissa Berry says:

    I may be missing something but I can’t see the recipe which is referred to. Would you be able to let me have it.

    Many thanks


  22. Melissa Berry says:

    I can’t seem to see the recipe – please could you advise where I find it

    Many thanks

  23. Melissa Berry says:

    I can’t seen to find the recipe. Could you let me know where I can find it

    1. Interesting! Would love to try it. Please assist me with the recipe. Can’t find it on the page.
      Many thanks

  24. So excited to make this for a friend’s birthday! For some reason I can’t find where the printable recipe is for the sugar cookie, where can I find that? Thanks!

  25. Where did you get the stencil for your numbers, and what are the dimensions of the numbers..I need a #2, 4 and 5.

  26. Joy Nettleship says:

    Hi My name is Joy and Im from Australia.
    Jenny could you please email me your cookie and icing recipe ? I would like to make one for my son turning 16.
    Thank you
    PS .I love your creations

  27. Hi this looks great. Where is the recipe? I can’t seem to find it

  28. So many comments asking for the printable recipe and no response from Jenny? Very disappointing. Would have loved to get the recipe. Why show us your creation if you don/t want to share the recipe?

  29. I would really like to p rintyour sugar cookie recipe ,but it is not letting me print it .thank you

  30. Do you have a recipe for the cookie dough buttercream? Or what do you add to your regular recipe?

  31. stephanie says:

    The sugar cookie recipe was great, but how do you transfer the second cookie without breaking it? Thanks!!

    1. It should transfer pretty easily, but if you need a little extra support, uyou can bake it on parchment to move it around!