I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Museum of Ice Cream!


I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Museum of Ice Cream! | Museum of Ice Cream Los Angeles | Museum of Ice Cream tour | what to do in LA || JennyCookies.com #museumoficecream #whattodoinLA #LA

Last month I went to the Museum of Ice Cream in LA!!  I’d tried to get tickets when I was in town last spring but the they sold out faster than I (anyone) could have imagined.  I lucked out this past month by swiping 4 tickets on the side of the road.  Yep, pulled over on Sunset blvd to snag these hot commodity tix during a Museum of Ice Cream Flash Sale.

The Museum of Ice Cream promises to “to tap into childlike memories of summer days and ice cream cones, and provide countless Instagram photo ops”.  I can’t say I remember lots of ice cream cones and summer days as a child (mostly because I have a bad memory and grew up in rainy Seattle), but it definitely provided endless Instagram fun.  If you are dying to know what this “museum” is really like, here’s what we experienced!

You’ll find the Museum of Ice Cream by driving through a questionable downtown LA neighborhood.  We actually thought were were lost at one point, until we saw a gigantic pink wall.  We found parking and were quickly led to a line outside, marked with pink ice cream cones painted on the ground.

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Museum of Ice Cream! | Museum of Ice Cream Los Angeles | Museum of Ice Cream tour | what to do in LA || JennyCookies.com #museumoficecream #whattodoinLA #LA

The museum takes a group of 20 every 30 minutes.  The “groups” are lined up against the pink wall until their turn.

When it’s your group’s turn, “Sprinkle Steve” (dressed in pink pants, pink shirt and pink denim coat) gives you a spiel about the museum rules.  You are not allowed to touch the bananas or the giant popsicles and you cannot go back to a room you’ve already visited.   So get those photos while you’re in the room..there’s no going backwards.

We took the Oath of Ice Cream and headed inside.

The first room was the Magical Mirror Room, filled with sparkly pink tiles.

Floor, ceiling, walls..pink tiles.


We made our way into the next room which was a nostalgic look at LA, but through ice cream glasses.  The Venice Beach sign was replaced with “Venice Cream” and the classic Hollywood stars read names like Nat King Cone, Kim Carbstashian, Vanessa Fudgens, etc.


In this room, we were given the first of many ice cream treats.


Ice Cream covered every surface imaginable.

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Museum of Ice Cream! | Museum of Ice Cream Los Angeles | Museum of Ice Cream tour | what to do in LA || JennyCookies.com #museumoficecream #whattodoinLA #LA

Instead of the well known HOLLYWOOD sign, we jumped for the Museum of ICE CREAM sign.


The banana room might have been my favorite.  The swings, the colors, the bananas..all of it, so fun.

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Museum of Ice Cream! | Museum of Ice Cream Los Angeles | Museum of Ice Cream tour | what to do in LA || JennyCookies.com #museumoficecream #whattodoinLA #LA



The pink rotary phone wall was another classic.  If you’ve never experienced a rotary phone, now the world can.  Pick up the receiver and you may hear a greeting!


I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Museum of Ice Cream! | Museum of Ice Cream Los Angeles | Museum of Ice Cream tour | what to do in LA || JennyCookies.com #museumoficecream #whattodoinLA #LA




I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Museum of Ice Cream! | Museum of Ice Cream Los Angeles | Museum of Ice Cream tour | what to do in LA || JennyCookies.com #museumoficecream #whattodoinLA #LA


The popsicle room was fun, but remember, no touching!!



The gummy bear room was filled with disco balls and LOTS of gummy bears.  As you can see, this “museum” really was an instagram dream.  We were all on our phones, ha!





Unless you’re living under a rock, I think most people have heard of the infamous Sprinkle Pool.  Sprinkle Steve pre-warned us that each group had a time limit of two minutes in the Sprinkle Pool.  So get those photos quick!

I think we ended up swimming in sprinkles for more like 5-7 minutes.

I can promise you I had sprinkles in every place imaginable.


It was a blast and definitely something I recommend checking out!

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Museum of Ice Cream! | Museum of Ice Cream Los Angeles | Museum of Ice Cream tour | what to do in LA || JennyCookies.com #museumoficecream #whattodoinLA #LA

The museum is now closed in Los Angeles, but you can visit the museum in Miami and San Francisco until they open additional future locations.  Get more info here: Museum of Ice Cream. 

If you have any questions or want to know more about our trip to the Museum of Ice Cream, leave them in the comments below!

Photos: Kelly Clare Photography


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