
Jenny Cookies Ladies Lunch


It’s no secret I love to throw parties and entertain.  I can come up with an excuse to host an event like it’s an actual life skill.

I’ve thrown so many parties over the years that I suspect people think I snap my fingers like I Dream of Jeannie wiggles her nose and poof! a party table is set.  I wish it were that simple.  Even though it’s a ton of work, I do love it so much.

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

Over the years I’ve had countless people comment on my blog and socials expressing their want to come to a party.  I spent this past year wondering how I could make that possible.

I have a group of girlfriends I regularly meet with for lunch.  We gab, we eat, we drink, and a lot of the time we craft.  Whether it’s decorating cookies, arranging flowers or even wrapping Christmas gifts, it’s something we can actively do while we’re catching up on life.


After a year of “ladies lunch” with my friends, I thought, why not do something like this that anyone and everyone can come to?!

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

This past week, I hosted TWO Valentine events, Jenny Cookies Ladies Lunch and Jenny Cookies Ladies Night.  The response for the ladies lunch left me sold out in two days, leaving no choice but to add a second event for those that work during the day, or who didn’t snag a seat in time.

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

For my Valentine lunch, I invited Emily of Eylander Sign Co to be our DIY lead.  Emily hosted our craft for the event, which were the cutest DIY painted signs.

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty


Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

The ladies chowed down on a fun mexican food bar, lots of desserts and washed down their treats with sparkling Lolea Sangria. Lolea makes the cuuuutest mini bottles, which were perfect for individual servings. (Coming to a Whole Foods near you..soon!)





Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty


A table for 30 was set for the ladies, complete with a pretty place setting for each guest.  I lined the table with flowers, lanterns, candles, and our crafting supplies.  If only this blog post was a scratch and sniff so you could smell the Anemone Illume candles burning. It smelled amazing! Each guest had a gorgeous anemone candle tied with a bow at their place setting.  (Best smelling candles ever, my fav!)

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty


Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty




Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

When everyone had a bite to eat and a plate of dessert, we got to work with Emily!  We stained, sanded and lettered the cutest Love You signs for each gal to take home.


I had a blast with these ladies.  From Canada to California and everywhere in between, we had a full house!  It was so fun to chat and hang out with each gal that came.


Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty


Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty







Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty

I had the best time hosting Ladies Lunch!  I can’t wait to share next month’s theme!!  If you aren’t subscribed to my mailing list, be sure to add yourself (at the bottom of this page) so you can stay in the know for when next month’s lunch is announced!


Thank you Emily for teaching us how to make these cute signs.  What a fun keepsake!!

*I wanted my {talented} photographer/friend Kelly to be a guest at the Valentine Ladies Night, thus not as many photos from the night event.  It was essentially the same set up but with a different sign design and a different crowd!  You gals were so much fun!  Thank you for coming!!
Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty



Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty





Photos by Kelly Clare Photography


Pin this idea for later!

Valentine's Day Ladies Lunch | Galentine's Day party ideas | ladies lunch ideas | how to host a ladies lunch | easy Valentine ladies lunch ideas || JennyCookies.com #ladieslunch #galentinesday #valentinesdayparty


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  1. Kimber Hagans says:

    Pictures are Ah-Mazing! Captured is the sheer loveliness of the day?!!!! Jenny , you are full of zest, talent, and just so kind, welcoming & funny)~~and gorgeous)!!! I knew we would have a ball. All the details were stunning, like you always create. This trip was well needed, I have my dear friend to thank for saying YES at a moments notice! Once she checked out your blog, she was IN. The gals, including your sis and the photographer, were so friendly & fun.:-) Sweet Amy from Oregon (Johnston Style) gladly gave us a ride back to our hotel! We instantly hit it off. Now we all can’t wait to see what (and when) you come up with next, hoping we can all 3 make it happen. It truly was an uplifting mini vaca for me, something I did not realize how much I needed! #hugefanofjennyscookies#loveseatttle#ditchtheumbrellawon’tmeltintherain
    Kimber & Susan? **So excited, we are ON YOUR BLOG!!!!!! MADE MY DAY???!!!!!!!! You are simply the best!!!!!!

    1. Kim, you are the sweetest! I’m so glad you were able to make the trip up, it was so nice to meet you! I look forward to having you as a guest again in the future!!

  2. Kimber Hagans says:

    ****my hearts came out as question marks, sorry about that! just a tad bit excited!!!
    have a wonderful day jenny, as you have made mine!!!

  3. Amber Schotemeyer says:

    Looks like so much fun, Jenny! Can’t wait to see what you do next!

  4. Gorgeous pictures as always Miss Kelly! Jenny your party did not disappoint, gorgeous set up, you girls worked so hard to give us a great experience. Fun afternoon of laughs for sure. Looking forward to the next! Love the photo Kelly captured of us, you are simply stunning my dear.

  5. What a great idea for a party! Looks like everyone had a amazing time. Nothing like lunch followed by being creative. Just purchased your book Eat more dressert – very inspiring Jenny. Like you I also have a home bakery business frown from family and friends, excited to try out a few of your sweet recipes. Question that you may get often, how do you come up with a price for your sweet tables? Hope to meet you one day. Thanks for making our day a bit sweeter.
    Aka Cakepops101