Jenny Cookies Holiday Workshop Swag Giveaway

What a fun way to kick off the holidays!  Last Friday I spent the evening with 30 of the loveliest ladies teaching them my cookie baking and decorating skills!  We laughed, we baked, we decorated, and we ate way too much sugar!


I hosted the workshop at Romp in Bellevue, WA.  I absolutely love their space and their kitchen!  It’s always such a cozy and inviting atmosphere.


Each table was stocked with FROST crullers, salted caramel cupcakes and Snohomish Pie Company pie shots.  Yum!



I love a good swag bag.  I was thrilled to spoil each attendee with a beautiful gift box filled with goodies from Wilton and Nashville Wraps.  Each box had a gorgeous hand lettered tag that read “Welcome to the Jenny Cookies Workshop”.



Once the guests arrived, we got to work!  It’s always so much fun to teach others just how simple cookie baking and decorating really is.



I was thrilled to give each attendee a Wilton Color Right performance color system.  It takes the guesswork out of coloring your icing, leaving you able to mix the color you want using ultra-concentrated base colors.


While I demonstrated, guests sampled Snohomish Pie Company‘s pie shots.  How cute are these??






Everyone was excited to get to work.  I was super impressed with how well each person did! Everyone’s cookies turned out awesome.




It was a great workshop to close 2015.  I’m already looking forward to spring workshops in 2016.  Keep an eye out!

Since not everyone was able to come to the class, I want to treat someone to an extra special take home gift box with all the Wilton goodies from the workshop.  Enter to win below!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Photography by Laura Marchbanks

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  1. Hi! I just tried entering the contest online since I don’t have a FB but not sure if it went through? I would love to create these cookies for my sons preschool class!!

  2. I so wish I could have attended! Looks so fun, hopefully one day Jenny will come to the Bay Area! 🙂

  3. Thanks for all the fabulous ideas! Love all the inspiration you share! Since I live in Alaska, I’ll probably need a break from the snow and hope to come down for your spring workshop!

  4. My kids and I decorate sugar cookies for almost every holiday. I host a sugar cookies decorating party for kids and there friends a few times a year.

  5. So fun. One off these days I will get to come.
    Favorite dessert is warm berry pie with ice cream

  6. Thanks for sharing your passion for baking and for celebrating in style. You have a gift…Love that you are always teaching others how they too can make a party look so good!

  7. Cookies, cookies and more cookies. I love sugar cookies, Russian tea cakes, and so many more. Love your swag gifts.
    Thanks, Jan

  8. Faith smith says:

    Cinnamon rolls, sugar cookies and hot chocolate !!!! Yum

  9. my favorite holiday desserts are definitely homemade cookies! They are made with so much love and are some of my most cherished holiday memories that I hope to pass down to my children as well!

  10. I love them all! I have yet to find a dessert I don’t love!

  11. Brenda Duran Weeks says:

    Jenny – I am such a big fan of yours, I only wish you would come to LA to do one your work shops! I know you would get a big audience! Love, from LA!

  12. Made your cookies and was told, best sugar ever had by several guests! Thank you for sharing your craft. A new staple for Christmas cookies, along with my other favorite, Russian Tea Cake cookies.

  13. Catherine Kalepo says:

    I wish that I attempted thus. Definitely signing up next time.

  14. I love seeing your cookies and parties. Sugar cookies are definitely my favorite holiday dessert.

  15. Love your buffalo plaid top! I will definitely get to one of your workshops someday! I love sugar cookies at the holidays!! Or anytime! ?

  16. Jamie Lockard says:

    Love homemade pound cake…especially a day-after. Somehow, the taste gets better and it seems more moist.

  17. Thanks, Jenny, for offering such a fun holiday giveaway! I enjoy pie during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season… and year round! 🙂

  18. Julie Ann says:

    I love an amazing cup of cocoa! Looks like a lovely time was had by all.