
Ally’s Pink Ombre Grad Party

My sweet little Ally is now a Kindergarten graduate.  I can hardly stand to think of her being away from me next year in full day first grade.  I had a hard enough time sending her to kindergarten 5 days a week!

But what an exciting year she had.  I can’t believe how much she has learned in just 9 short months.  She learned to read, write, spell, add and subtract, and most important, learned even more about Jesus.  Every week at Northshore Christian Academy she was given a new bead to add to her “bible necklace” if she had memorized the weekly bible verse.  Her little necklace is filled with colorful beads!  We are so proud of our girl, she is truly one of the sweetest, most caring little girls you’ll ever meet.

To celebrate her accomplishments we threw her a pink ombre themed graduation party.  All things pink! My incredibly talented photographer friend Kaylee of Kaylee Eylander Photography captured all the details of the day, from the grad hat cookies, diploma topped cupcakes, to the inside of a pink ombre ruffle cake.  We snacked on diploma tortilla wraps tied in pink bows and sipped pink lemonade, while the kids filled their goodie bags with as much pink candy as their pink polka dot bags would hold.

Guests were sent home with pink ombre cakes in a jar, topped with paper grad hats complete with yarn tassels! And Ally didn’t leave the party empty handed, we gave her a new iPod engraved with her graduation year.  2024.  Eek.  I can’t even fatham that.

Congratulations Ally James!  We are so proud of you!


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  1. Adorable and beautiful! I have one heading to first grade next year, too, and I feel the same way! What a great way to celebrate the big step from K to 1st! Love the party!

  2. Kimber Hagans says:

    B e a u t i f u l party! One question~~where did you get the cute mason jars? I have the daisy lids, but love your jars! Kimber

  3. Wow! This party was extraordinary! Love all the details…down to your daughter’s beautiful headband! Just finished throwing a party for my sister’s 40th birthday with a colour coordinated dessert buffet..so looking at your pictures and all your stunning decor? I know that was a TON of work! Amazing!! And learning more about Jesus? For sure all the more reason to celebrate! Beautiful.

  4. Can you please tell me how you make those fabric flowers/pom poms..?? Do you have to have a sewing machine? Are they cut in squares or circles?